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TTNZ home page     |    Archive Home Page    |     Info Required         

Welcome to the Photo Archives and Historical Centre

welcome1.gif (5217 bytes)This site will always be "work in progress" displays photo images and historical Data.   Most (but not all) photo images are available in higher definition than displayed within the site.  Some of the older photos have been scanned from newspaper clippings and not very clear. If you have an orginal we would welcome it to reproduce and replace those in this archive.

Please take some time to also look at the Info required and Archives Seek pages, as you may be able to help us.

Where info to an image within the year page is unavailable or possibly needs checking it is indicated as ????? or the text is in red, and you may be able to help us here with these also.

Contributions and help is gratefully acknowledged               

Photos by Year  
Pre 1934 1946 1959 1972 1985 1998  2011
1934 1947 1960 1973 1986 1999 2012
1935 1948 1961 1974 1987 2000 2013
1936 1949 1962 1975 1988 2001 2014
1937 1950 1963 1976 1989 2002 World Vets
1938 1951 1964 1977 1990 2003 2015
1939 1952 1965 1978 1991 2004 2016
1940 1953 1966 1979 1992 2005  
1941 1954 1967 1980 1993 2006  
1942 1955 1968 1981 1994 2007  
1943 1956 1969 1982 1995 2008
1944 1957 1970 1983 1996 2009  
1945 1958 1971 1984 1997 2010  

Miscellaneous/General Items:

        Images from 2014 World Veterans Championships
1972 Visit to NZ by Chines players. Dominion Post article 17 Dec 2022

A Tomlinson - article published in Swaythling Club April 2020 Magazine.  Covers UK experiences and Intro to sponge
1963 letters from Victor Barna      (World Champ - 1930, 1932-35)  (to Gary Frew - senior nz player from Northland)
Barna v Bergmann Demonstration Match in NZ - 1949                      

Barna/Bergmann trick shots and match 1949 (click download then play from there)
ITTF Museum          Lots of Interesting memorabilia

Publications Sought:  TTNZ is seeking some Table Tennis Publications to complete it's own collection and that of the National Library of New Zealand. Some Annual Reports are required for the National Library and Championship Programmes for both TTNZ and National Library.   

Names Sought:   Fast Track to pages with many missing names.   
Other Overseas Videos: 1935 International T T   |  1940 Fred Perry  |  1933 Barna versus  R D Jones  |  TT won by USA 1949
Humour - Cartoons etc.
Old Overseas Advertisments
Swedish Stamp 1985 World Champs

French Stamp  1977

page updated:06-Jul-24



Created August 2006 & Maintained by
Robin Radford
7A Beauchamp St Tawa Wellington 5028

Ph: 027 232 5672

Table Tennis New Zealand Inc