1966 |
page updated: 08/07/24 |
L/R: back: Yvonne Fogarty, S P Stevens,
Isobel Crosby, |
L/R: Yvonne Fogarty, Valerie Braumann, |
L/R: F J O'Gorman (veteran men's singles winner), L C Elliott, I L Moffat |
1966 NZ University Team to Australia. L/R Standing: Harrison Waterhouse, Susan Craw, Peter Salmon, Margaret Bridson, Barry Cross, Patricia Otway, Doug Stewart (Manager). Front: Barry Coley (A better definition copy of this photo would be welcome) |
North Island Team NZ Championships Christchurch L/R: Neti Traill, Jeanette Boswell, Cath Johnson, Merle Rolston |
South Canterbury Table Tennis Association Inc An appreciation to Bryan & Cathie Thomson for their 1965/66 work and advice to the association teams - winners of the Viktor Dunlop Barna Cups. Back row L/R: B J Barker, B R Thomson (convenor selectors & 1965 manager), Mrs M J Brown (nz vets women's singles Champ 1966), C S McFarlane, B G Butler, Mrs C Thomson (treasurer & 1965 team chaperon), F J O'Gorman (men's captain), T D McKenzie (selector). Front row: Miss L M Wilson, Miss I P Peebles, J F Fox (vice-president & 1966 team manager), J E Butler (president & selector), Miss M M Pratt (women's captain), M P Harris. |