NZ Open Championships Pages here

page upated: 24-Jul-13

Avonside Table Tennis Club (Christchurch) Committee

L/R: Stuart Sheppard, Chris Hills, Rick Wilson (kneeling), Julia Price, Graeme Simons, Pat Cameron, Neil Laing (rear), Lyn Chapman,
Carol Naven, Bruce Roskilly.

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Colin Alexander (Kapiti)

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Paul Escott

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Eileen Hoete (Auckland)

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Winners NZ Secondary School Championships
Westlake High School
Players L/R: Guy Palmer, Alan Brown, Alan Dowd
right: Thelma May

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Gary Farquhar


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Presentation of Hawkes Bay Association Life
Member Certificates
L/R: Frank Powell, Barry Sklenars, Lew Sharman,
Mardie Latham

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NZ Under 17 team to Australian Junior Championships

L/R back standing: Tanya McAvinue, Robert Kerr (captain), Willie Shaw, Shane Cummins, Tony Radford, Eileen Hoete
Front: Sandra Mayes (captain), Paul Escott (coach), Colin Alexander (manager), Yvonne Cuthbert


NZ Open Championships Pages here