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1957_03.jpg (20161 bytes)

Alan Tomlinson (L) & Garry Frew
playing Tanaka & Ogimura in Whangarei

1957_04.jpg (12053 bytes)

R V (Bob) Jackson

1957_01.jpg (21805 bytes)

1957_02.jpg (33618 bytes)

1957_15.jpg (10723 bytes)

NZ Championships - Lower Hutt

L/R: Merle Rolston, Neti Davis


NZ Championships
Lower Hutt Town Hall

1957_05.jpg (17919 bytes)
NZ Selectors

L/R: Tommy Williams, Bill Mullins,
Norm Ballinger

1957_06.jpg (21945 bytes)

(L/R) Garry Frew, Alan Tomlinson, World Champion
Toshiaki Tanaka, and  World no 2 Ichiro Ogimura, Hitoshi Shimizu (Japanese manager), Frank Johnson (at microphone). Whangarei

1957_09a.jpg (9103 bytes)
Warren Evans

1957_09b.jpg (9989 bytes)
Russell Algie

1957_10.jpg (8795 bytes)
John Crossley

1957_07.jpg (17574 bytes)

1957_09c.jpg (9187 bytes)
Mr A McCardle
Asst tourn ref -  NZ Open
Deputy Chair Hutt Valley assn

1957_08a.jpg (8861 bytes)

1957_08b.jpg (10216 bytes)

1957_08d.jpg (9731 bytes)

1957_08c.jpg (10439 bytes)

Above:NZ Open sub committee caricatures. L/R: A R Harding, R V Giles, V M Mitchell, T S Williams (Tournament Manager)
(Drawings by Nankivell)

1957_11.jpg (6003 bytes)
Mrs K Nicholson
(nee Tustin)

1957_13.jpg (25748 bytes)

Hutt Valley Women' team

L/R back: F Inglis, V Muirhead (captain), P Oben
front: M Garden, J Brown

1957_12.jpg (8729 bytes)
Eric Boniface

L/R: Neti Davis, Margaret Ross

(Permission Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand.

1957_14.jpg (29214 bytes)

At NZ Cahmpionships

L/R: Joyce Bratton, Pam Smith

Wellington table tennis representatives.

L/R back: Val Cousins, Dennis Catley, John Sigley, Colin Shewan, Pam Smith
Front: Angela Williamson, Murray Dunn, Duncan McGregor (manager),
Thyra McGregor, Joyce Bratton

(Permission Alexander Turnbull Library,
Wellington, New Zealand.

An original or better photo to scan would be welcome.