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page updated: 24/07/13

2008_01.jpg (52810 bytes)
NZ Team at the NZ Veterans Championships

Back Row (L/R): Christine Little, Sabine Westenra, Jim Jarmin, Eddie Moore, Fleming Alison,
Lyndon White, Bill Stewart, Dave Scott, Bryan McConnochie

Front Row (L/R): Pauline Bennyworth, Chip Eade, Lynnette Bellamy, Gerry Doyle, Alison Williamson,
Lesley Gardner, Lindsay Ward, Raewyn Young

2008_02.jpg (34675 bytes)
NZ Veterans Championships

L/R: Jong Eub Han, Lyndon White (Canty)

2008_07.jpg (29618 bytes)

Awards Presentation Dinner - Palmerston North - AGM

L/R: Mark Leishman (guest speaker), Murray Holdaway (Manawatu delegate), Sarah Seaholme, Natalie Paterson, Anne Paterson, Steve Paterson

2008_04.jpg (27684 bytes)

Empire Club Players (Wellington Assn)
2008 Wellington Premier One Champion Team

L/R: James Harter, Yotam Bar-Shalom, Thom Nguyen

2008_05.jpg (32120 bytes)

Awards Presentation Dinner - Palmerston North - AGM

L/R: David Jackson (board member), Doris Davies (Northland delegate) Steven (Zhu) Hui  (board member),
Ron Garrett
(Southland delegate & life member), Lynette Bellamy (Waikato delegate), Tanya Page?? (Waikato delegate)

2008_06.jpg (37490 bytes)

Awards Presentation Dinner - Palmerston North - AGM

L/R: Tim Seaholme (board member), Hayden Tapp (Wellington delegate),
Ben Hurr
(Otago delegate), Bob Inns (board member),
Henry Redmond
(Canterbury delegate),
Julian Wootton
(Wellington delegate)

2008_08.jpg (19652 bytes)

Awards Presentation
Dinner - Palmerston North - AGM

Natalie Paterson
Ballinger Cup Winner
Junior of the Year

2008_09.jpg (50788 bytes)

Australian Veterans Championships Perth

New Zealand team

L/R back: Bruce Gloistein, Val Scarr, Ngaire Garrett, Averil Roberts, Chris Little
front: Val Beaver, Alison Williamson, Lynley Barker, Merle Sneddon, Janice Stead


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