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page updated:13-Feb-15

New Zealand Open Championships


Umpires gather

L/R: Daniel Fan, Alan Moore, Graeme Ireland, Averil Roberts, Richard Ammundsen, Jim Jarmin, Patricia Swale, Craig Griffiths


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Umpires gather

L/R: Daniel Fan, Alan Moore, Graeme Ireland, Averil Roberts, Richard Ammundsen, Jim Jarmin, Patricia Swale, Craig Griffiths
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L/R: Bryan Keane, Alan Moore, Bruce Gloistein, Trevor Flint

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Action in the Canterbury Stadium

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L/R: Annie Yang, Karen Li

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L/R: Lesley Gardner, John Fogarty,
Pam Clarke
(Austr),  Wang Qi (Fiji)


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L/R: Mike Loftus (TTNZ CEO) making a presentation to
Jim Jarmin & Chip Eade

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L/R: Leon Jiang, Albert Yee

Winners B Grade Doubles
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L/R: Beth Tait, Lauren Watling





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L/R: Terry Zeng, Phillip Xiao,
Stephane Gilabert
(New Cal.)

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L/R: Doris Chen, Helen Chen

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L/R: Jenny Hung, Diana Levinzon

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L/R: Terry Zeng, Steven Zeng, Mathew Lowe, Phillip Xiao


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L/R: Alan Moore, Patricia Swale, Richard Ammundsen


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