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page updated:24-Jul-13

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Olympic Games

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Top & below: The athletes village

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Li Chunli

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L/R: Li Chunli, Karen Li, Murray Finch, (manager/coach),
Peter Jackson

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On the way home

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L/R: Michael McAvinue, John Stapleton, David Jackson,
Averil Roberts, Keith Fraser

at the North Island Championships
M. McAvinue (tournament referee) presented ITTF International Umpire Badges to John, David and Averil. Keith Fraser was the deputy referee for the Championships.

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Attending a camp prior to Summer Nationals Nelson

L/R: Chris Erskine (N), Jack Wells (N), Jiani Hu (N), Binbin Zhu (HV), Sophie Shu (MN), Samara Collins (O)


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