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page updated:24-Jul-13

2000_17.jpg (26666 bytes)
Bronze medal winners in the Teams event at the
Commonwealth Championships.

L/ R: Sarah Finch, Murray Finch (Manager/ Coach),
Tracey McLauchlan, Karen Li and Li Chunli.

2000_18.jpg (11625 bytes)

2000_21.jpg (8771 bytes)

2000_19.jpg (22693 bytes)
Under 19 Boys' South Island Teams
Championship Winners

2000_20.jpg (14691 bytes)
L/R: Ian Farmer and Andrew Gordon

TTNZ AGM Workshop
Development through Change

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Canterbury Player

2000_25.jpg (23435 bytes)
Winners of the Under 19 Girls' Teams event - NZ Championships.
L/R: Deborah Morrison, Meena Chang, Andrea Gosney


2000_26.jpg (20477 bytes)
Winners NZ Open Women's Teams event - NZ Championship
L/R: Linda Chen, Lisa Astle, Lesley Gardner

2000_27.jpg (25285 bytes)
Otago Under 15 Boys' team - NZ Championships

L/R: Steven Moore, Daniel Eyre, David Grant

2000_22.jpg (35934 bytes)
Oceania Championships

L/R: Russell Lavale (silver), Simon Gerada (Gold),
Andrew Hubbard and Trevor Brown (bronze)

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Otago team to the South Island Teams Championships

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Otago Under 19 Boys' team - NZ Championships.

L/R: Ben Guy, Malcolm Moore, Ying Yang

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Simeon Cairns (front) leads the Haka by the NZ male players at the Oceania Championships, New Caledonia.

2000_30.jpg (34245 bytes)
Under 20 Boys WAH SING ACADEMY (NSW) Visit

A friendly match at the Cashmere Club, Christchurch. The Wah Sing Academy is from New South Wales, Australia, and Canterbury was the first stop in NZ for the boys, who continued on to Nelson and Auckland. The match was drawn 10-all.

L/ R: Wah Sing - Dereck Eu, Charles Chau, Adam Green, Tony Bo, Tony Lee (manager).
Canterbury - Simon Wallace, Yi-Sien Lin, Karl Samson, Paul Stewart, Aaron Li (Coach).


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