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page updated:13-Feb-15

2001_01.jpg (16309 bytes)

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NZ Champs Committee - Auckland Assn Hosts:

L/R: Bruce Penberthy, Andrew Gordon, Anne Noble,
Shona Cudby, Bill Burns, Bob Inns

2001_07.jpg (25321 bytes)

Men's Singles NZ Championships

L/R: Johnny Liang (Runner up), Aaron Li (Winner), Aaron WinbornTom Liu (semi finalists)

2001_06.jpg (24782 bytes)

Women's Singles NZ Championships

L/R: Li Tong (Runner up), Karen Li (Winner), Jiang Yang &
Kadia Keller-Rice (Semi finalists)

2001_20.jpg (24646 bytes)

Canterbury Under 19 Winners - Boys' team - NZ Championships.

L/R: Simon Wallace, Karl Samson,
Yi-Sien Lin, John Cordue

2001_11.jpg (27707 bytes)

NZ Championships Mixed Doubles

L/R:Johnny Liang & Sun Yang (Runners Up), Aaron Li & Angela Li (Winners),
Tracey McLauchlan, Adrian Soh, Claire Campbell-Innes.
(Semi Finalists)

2001_12.jpg (36562 bytes)

NZ Championships Women's Doubles
L/R: Peri & Claire Campbell-Innes (Runners Up), Celia Cui & Sun Yang (Winners), Angela Li & Annie Jiang
(Semi Finalists)

2001_21.jpg (20079 bytes)

Canterbury Men's team Winners Men's A grade 2001
NZ Championships
L/R: Sujay Ghorpade, Malcolm Darroch, Aaron Li

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Canterbury Under 19 Girls' team - NZ Championships Winners of Grade.
L/R: Angela Tong, Deborah Morrison,
Jacqui Wood, Annie Yang, Andrea Gosney

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Canterbury Women's team - Winners Women's A grade 2001
NZ Championships
L/R: Laura-Lee Smith, Ritu Ghorpade,
Linda Chen, Annie Yang

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Gina Connell
& Jan Ng
at the NZ Open

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Lei Li
& Robert Burgess
at NZ Open

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Action at the NZ Championships in the Men’s teams final between Hagen Bower (Auckland) (L) and Sujay Ghorpade (Canterbury). The latter won 21-19, 21-10, helping Canterbury to victory.

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North Harbour Under 15 Boys'  B team

L/R: Max Leewarroj, Jonathan Fraser, Joey Wang,
Paul McCurran, Brent Stretton

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Counties Manukau Women's team

L/R: Kate Burndred, Phyllis Hoete, Tracey Gayner

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NZ Secondary Schools Championships

L/R standing: Vance Kelly, Ian Loubachevski, Bryan Keane (Nelson manager),
Michael Rees, Johnny Liang.

Front: Simon Buchanan, Chris Erskine, Jack Wells.

Winners: Nelson College (dark shirts) Runner Up Hutt High.

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NZ Secondary Schools Championships Girls' teams winners - Northcote College.

L/R: Danielle Burgess, Jennifer Lo, Clare Milford

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Shane Laugesen

at NZ Champs

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Angela Li


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NZ Schools Championships - North Harbour Stadium

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Aaron Winborn

NZ Champs - Auckland

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Aaron Li


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