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page updated: 28/01/15

World Veteran Championships   Auckland  10 - 17 May 2014

GALA Evening - Sky City Convention Centre - 16 May 2014

L/R: Sharad Pandt, Anne Hay, Murray Hay

Robin Radford surrounded by some
Japanese guests dressed in their festival attire

Chip & Val Eade

L/R: Front: Ngaire Garrett, Christine Morris, Ron Garrett

Jean Radford and two Japanese guests

Richard & Melanie Wright

L/R: Vera Bazzi, Reto Bazzi, Diane Scholar,
Eberhard Scholar
(Swaything Club visitors), ?????

L/R: Marc Frewin, Fay Freeman

L/R: Steve Chapman, Ann-Marie Kyle, Paul Kyle

L/R: Miguel Rivera, Geoff Rau, Angela Rau, Kadia Keller-Rice

L/R: Clive Sim,  Hamish Rennie

L/R: Jo Shaw , Kevin Barry, Barry Griffiths

Lillian & Ron Leong

Christine Morris

L/R: Sarah Sandley, Kay Crowell (Sth Aust)

L/R: Gary Williams, Peter Aird (Scotland)
winner of All Black Jersey Auction)
Photo Contributions Welcome


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