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page updated: 24/07/13

Empire Club (Petone) - Jubilee Book Launch

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John Kiley

Editor/Writer Presenting the Book

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L/R: Bruce Connolly, Dick Lynn, Tony Rutledge

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Rebecca Allen

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Emma Smith

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L/R: Tony Williams, Bob Airey


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L/R: Paul Quinn (Sport Wellington and List MP)), John KIley, Ron Menchi (Club chairman and Life member), John Terris (Former MP)

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L/R Brian Hearfield (in background), Margaret Cloughley

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L/R: Melanie Armstrong,  Arthur Lee

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Caroline Van Shaik

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L/R: Wanda Menchi, Anthony Arraj,
Lea Menchi, Maggie Dyer

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L/R: Lois McStay, Graham Sole, Nola Borrell

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Stephen Hope

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Diane Hope
(nee Allardyce)

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(above and right) Browsing the Anniversary Book

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general page 1 | nz vets champs pages | NI Open  |  SI Open | NZ Open | TTNZ_75th_Anniv | Empire 75th