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page updated:24-Jul-13

Link here to:    New Zealand Open Championships 

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Northland 4th Annual Garry Frew Memorial Doubles

L/R: Paul Newman, Alf Moselen, Jamie Ball (in front), Cynthia Luke,
Graeme Jackson, Merv Luke, Robyn Cross, Gavin Ball.

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Teresa Breslin
Auckland Association Administration Officer
preparing the Xmas tree - Auckland Stadium

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Ian Talbot

of Empire Club Hutt Valley

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James Morris receiving his TTNZ Life Members badge from TTNZ Chairman Graeme Muller

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At the Olympics

L/R: Karen Li, Simeon Cairns, Li Chunli

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NZ team at Commonwealth Championships - Kuala Lumpur

L/R: Peter Jackson, Andy Huang, James Morris,
John Cordue, Simon Wallace

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Bradley Laughton (L) receiving Counties Manukau Assn
closed championship under 13 Boys' Singles trophy
from Geoff Rau

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Caron Watson

at Empire Club, Hutt Valley

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Warren Evans
at Empire Club, Hutt Valley

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Chris Talbot
at Empire Club, Hutt Valley

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James Morris


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