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page updated:19-Feb-23

2002_33.jpg (52503 bytes)
Titan Club Prizegiving, Wellington Stadium

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Titan Club Annual prizegiving

Jack Blackmore presenting a trophy to
Robert Chung

2002_27.jpg (16108 bytes)
NZ Championships Invercargill
National Junior Umpires Awards
Kate Ball (Manawatu) & Megan Stratford (Marlborough)

2002_28.jpg (14030 bytes)
NZ Championships Invercargill
National Junior Umpires Award
Matthew Ball

2002_35.jpg (17231 bytes)

2002_29.jpg (26393 bytes)
NZ Championships Invercargill
Women's Doubles Final

2002_26.jpg (27123 bytes)Korean players visit NZ

L/R: Yoo, Nam Kyu, Ron Fleming (chairman Canty Assn),
Dot Fleming & Jong Up Han

2002_34.jpg (31567 bytes)
Level One Coaching Course - Port Waikato 13/15 Dec 2002

L/R: (standing): Mike Rotorangi, Alan Pedley, Gavin Hoete, Georgina Kihi,
David Walker, Jeremy Tumanata

kneeling: James Morris, Bill Lomas, Rob Tito.

2002_11.jpg (32131 bytes)

21 Issues of TT INFO

Magazine of TTNZ

NZ Junior Player of the Year

Blair Paterson

2002_31.jpg (48661 bytes)
TT INFO Magazine Dispatch team at the Empire Club rooms Petone

L/R: Bryan Thomson, Catherine Thomson, Shirley Ruddell, Merv Allardyce, Ian Strawbridge, Val Jarvis, Robin Radford, John Kiley, Jean Radford, Ron Menchi, Puhi Davis, Glennys Simpson, Esme Rudge.

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2002_30.jpg (42729 bytes)
Towards the end of a dispatch.

Australian Veterans Championships, Melbourne

L/R: Back row: Eddie Millard, Val Scarr, Janice Stead, Paul Johnston, Jim Jarmin
Front: Sandra Mitchell, Lynley Barker, Val Beaver, Averil Roberts, Ngaire Garrett


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